Antibiotics - once daily
Enzymes - every time she eats
Salt - once daily
Nebulizer - three times daily
Thumping - after nebulization
Zithromax (I couldn't remember what this was) - once daily
This is basically the regimen for the present time. Ann and my Mom have been amazing in diligently carrying it out. I try to help too. The thumping is especially difficult. You have to thump around her lungs with a plastic thing for about 10-12 minutes. Babies don't like being thumped for that many minutes, if any. When she's about three there is a vest that we can use instead of thumping her. Its been an adjustment but all of a sudden Mary Deane is sleeping through the night and taking three hour naps. This is still a tough situation but the glass if definitely half full.
The world turned upside down and you will turn it right for her!
ReplyDeleteBrendon, what an amazing perspective. As Becky said, you and Ann are the miracle. I love you both so much and feel so blessed to have you in my life. Hugs, mom
ReplyDeleteLittle Mary Deane has two BIG heros. You are her miracle. Blessed, she is, to have parents who would go over the moon for her.