Some of our adoring fans in Iraq. For a year I was Mis-tah (Mister) the giver of toys, soccer balls, pencils, and anything else the kids could think of. If you want to learn about persistence and tenacity I give you an Iraqi child. I clocked one kid who lasted at least four hours under the hot Iraqi sun. My memory is hazy but the conversation probably sounded like this:
"Pincil (pencil) Mis-tah."
"I don't have a pencil."
- Moment of stupefied silence -
"I don't have a pencil!"
Now repeat that conversation for four hours. If you give that kid a pencil three more show up to fill his place. If you open the trunk you'll have a mini-mash pit, its like opening Santa's bag. As exasperated as I may sound I don't think any of the soldiers I worked with got sick of giving. We did as much good as we could without jeopardizing security, and handed out
a lot of pincils.