The pool was freezing, we didn't make it too long. Mary Deane was ready to go but we didn't get her wet beyond her feet. We've had a busy spring so far. We have ducks with babies, geese with goslings, king blue heron (right Ann?), squirrels, turtles, red-winged blackbirds, caterpillars, cardinals, mourning doves, and robins right in the 'backyard'. Ann has been hissed at by the geese twice.
MD doesn't get the pulmozyme anymore but we did add a new antibiotic. She has been sleeping and eating really well. Her new favorite food is prune puree. We went to the monthly CF support group and met some other parents dealing with CF. There is a CF run/walk soon that Ann and I are going to try and participate in. I'm trying to fill in some of the holes from Ann's blog, I think that's good for now.